srijeda, 6. veljače 2019.

Kako danas odjekuju riječi Lamennaisa!

Robert Lamennais (1782 - 1854) je bio francuski svećenik i filozof, makar i jedno i drugo treba uzeti sa "štipaljkama".

Par njegovih misli:

"Atributi ili karakteristike za koje katolici vjeruju da pripadaju Crkvi, na primjer biti Božja institucija, pripadaju cijelom čovječanstvu. Čovječanstvo je prava Crkva ustanovljena od Boga u Stvorenju; i njeni visoki privilegiji i značajke se konkretiziraju i utjelovljuju u suverenitetu naroda. Narodnom suverenitetu pripadaju najviše nadležnosti...".

Nakon 1830 nečasne ideje ovog gorkog svećenika počinju se uvlačiti u misao i srce dijela klera i snobovskih intelektualaca. Ovaj svećenik je propovijedao religiozni relativizam i došao je do tvrdnje da se vječno spasenje duše može postići u bilo kojoj religiji, i da također postoje vjerske istine van Katoličke Crkve.

Lamennais je svakako bio izopćen, i protiv njegovog otrova Pape XIX stoljeća odlučno su se borile: Grgur XVI, Pio IX, Lav XIII. Umro je izvan Katoličke Crkve, nepokajan.

Ali usput, samo pitam, zar ti se ne čine malo poznate ove tvrdnje, da li slučajno imaš priliku u ovo naše vrijeme čuti ih s vrlo visokih pozicija?

Samo pitam.

2 komentara:

  1. I get tired ...
    ... of reading comments in which the writer seems to find it so mighty obvious that a heretical pope automatically loses his office.

    I get tired of this because I have so often made the following points, and never received a reply:

    ~ Pope Honorius I was subsequently anathematised both by an Ecumenical Council and by his own successors as Bishops of Rome, for promoting and failing to suppress the Monothelite heresy.

    ~ But, as far as we know, nobody during his lifetime said he had lost the Papacy.

    ~ Nor, after his death, did any of those who anathematised him say that he had ceased to be pope before his death on account of his heresy.

    ~ The account of him by S Bede describes his jurisdictional actions with regard to the Anglo-Saxon Church without any hint that S Bede or anyone else thought there was anything dubious about his status. (And by the time of S Bede the Monothelite business had been sorted.)

    If anybody wants me to reconsider the sedevacantist schism, let them give historical and factual answers to the above. Or else go quietly away and rage somewhere else.

    And let them give their answers on this thread. I don't see why I should be called 'a liar' (as happened recently) because I haven't read all the other blogs some people think I ought to read.


    1. About Honorio, you have here:
