ponedjeljak, 28. veljače 2022.

Evropa 1939, Evropa 2022


Ono što se događa u Ukrajini počinje opasno podsjećati na na situaciju u Evropi 1939. S realnim poređenjem između Hitlera i Putina, ali na drugoj osnovi, ne u smislu koji prenose mediji. Ovi predočavaju povijest napisanu od pobjednika. To je povijest pobjednika.


Njemačka je tražila koridor do Danziga (današnji Gdansk), koji je kao dio Istočne Prusije bio odvojen od Njemačke Versajskim sporazumom nakon prvog svjetskog rata. 95% stanovništva Danziga bili su Njemci, zbog čega i zbog položaja važne luke na Baltiku Hitler je htio povratiti kontrolu nad tim gradom. Tražio je dakle zbog toga koridor, ali Poljska nije pristala na ponudu, nagovorena prvenstveno Velikom Britanijom.


Dalje, u proljeće 1939 dolazi do masakra njemačkih civila u Poljskoj, na tisuće njih od paramilitarnih poljskih snaga, što njihova vojska nije sprječavala. Dolazi do trenutka kad Hitler odlučuje napad na Poljsku.

Prije toga, Austrija nije bila “aneksirana” Njemačkoj, nego se na referendumu ogromnom većinom (skoro plebiscitom) odlučila za uključenje u Njemačku. Samo dan nakon referenduma Hitler daje svečani govor u Beču, usred neviđene podrške Austrijanaca.


Danas imamo da Rusija priznaje dvije ukrajinske regije, napučene većinski Rusima, kao dio Rusije. Prije je učinio isto sa Krimom. Sve te regije su se opredjelile za Rusiju. Usput, istočne oblasti bile su pod čestim bombardiranjem, koje je oduzelo živote kojih 15.000 duša, trećina njih civila.


Sada Rusija napada Ukrajinu jer ne dozvoljava njen ulazak u NATO pakt, te instaliranje raketnih pogona koji ozbiljno mogu ugroziti njenu sigurnosti. Unatoč upozorenjima i ultimatumu, NATO i Ukrajina su dali poznati korak.


Njemačka je bila razorena 6 godina kasnije. Ali Njemačka nije imala nuklerano oružjue. Rusija ga ima.

Prema tome, nalazimo se u ogromnoj opasnosti.

Molite Boga i činite pokoru da bude nuklearnog rata, kao i da nam Otkupitelj i Spasitelj ljudskog roda udijeli mir.

subota, 19. veljače 2022.

Sermon for Sexagesima, February 20th, 2022


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.


My dearly beloved in Our Lord,


Today’s parable is not only very rich and beautiful, it is also particular, as Pope St Gregory the Great explains: “The Truth Himself hath explained it, and, after that, it beseemeth not man's frailty to fritter away His exposition by any further comment. (…) the Lord Himself hath vouchsafed to give this explanation, and that, not for this parable only, but that ye may know in what manner to interpret others, whereof He hath not given the meaning.” (5th homily on the Gospels)

As I said last Sunday with regards to TIME, we need to make good use of time.

The same is true with regards to all other gifts that come from God: We need to make good use of them. This way the outcome will be good. We will have brought forth fruit for eternity, even hundredfold.

Not only the beginning of our Christian life and journey must be good, but also its progression and its end. The beginning and the last end do not so much depend on us, they come from God:

The first grace, the grace of justification, cannot be merited by man, it is a totally free gift of God.

The last grace, that of final perseverance, can equally not be merited by us. Therefore we need to ask for it in our daily prayers. In this manner we can obtain it infallibly, as the Saints and theologians teach.

The progression depends very much on the efforts of our good will.

To be more precise, everything depends on God, and everything depends on us – but in a different manner. God is free to offer whatever graces He chooses to grant us, whenever and by whatever means He chooses. God is totally free, He is also free in the choice of how He hands out His benefits. We are not totally free. Our free will has its limits because our will is not almighty, it often encounters obstacles and limitations: “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh weak.” (Mt 26:41) Also we are not free in the sense that we have the moral obligation to do that which is good, and to avoid doing that which is evil. Adam and Eve were not to eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they had obeyed God, they and we with them would not be in this terrible dilemma and temptation all the time: to know that which is good, and which we should do – but to be attracted to do that which we know to be evil. God had shown the greatest mercy by putting such a light commandment and precept to Adam and Eve, one which they could easily keep and obey! But pride, insinuated by the serpent’s temptation, threw them off guard and made them to offend God.

Pope St Gregory goes on to comment: “If I spake of myself, who would believe me when I say that riches are thorns? Thorns prick, but riches lull to rest. And yet riches are indeed thorns, for the anxiety they bring is a ceaseless pricking to the minds of their owners, and, if they lead into sin, they are thorns which bloodily tear the soul. But we understand from another Evangelist (Mt 23:22) that in this place the Lord speaketh, not of riches themselves, but of the deceitfulness of riches. Those riches are deceitful riches, which can be ours only for a little while; those riches are deceitful riches, which cannot relieve the poverty of our souls. They are the only true riches, which make us rich in virtues.” Holy Church uses the following words from the holy Pope’s comment in the Divine Office during this week: “If then, dearly beloved brethren, ye seek to be rich, earnestly desire the true riches. If ye would be truly honourable, strive after the kingdom of heaven. If ye love the bravery of titles, hasten to have your names written down at Court above, where Angels are. Take to heart the Lord's words which your ear heareth. The food of the soul is the word of God: when the stomach is sick it throweth up again the food which is put into it, and so is the soul sick when a man heareth and digesteth not in his memory the Word of God. And if any man cannot keep his food, that man's life is in desperate case.”

St Paul writes to the Romans: “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.” (Rom 9:16) This is why the elation of pride is the great obstacle to our serving God, as the Apostles teach so insistently: “But he giveth greater grace. Wherefore he saith: God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” (Jac 4:6) “In like manner, ye young men, be subject to the ancients. And do you all insinuate humility one to another, for God resisteth the proud, but to the humble he giveth grace.” (1Petr 5:5) Our Lord himself teaches that the first condition of discipleship, after firmly willing it, is to renounce ourselves, to renounce our own self, that is, our self-will (Mt 16:24; Lk 9:23).

It is obviously a fatality for the ground to be rocky, or infested with thorns, or hard. But this is where the analogy must be respected! While the soil is not responsible for how it finds itself when receiving the seed, our mind and will bear such a responsibility in order to receive God’s gifts, as Our Lord explains: “Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God. And those by the wayside are they who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart, that they may not believe and be saved. Now those upon the rock are they who, when they have heard, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, but believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away. And that which fell among the thorns, these are they who have heard, and as they go their way are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not ripen.”

Let us therefore use this time of grace just before Lent! Let us ponder the state of our soul where God wants to plant the good seed, His Word, His Revelation. Are we persevering, or do we allow the devil to take away the seed? Are we of a superficial spirit so that some temptation will sooner or later unplug God’s life and grace from our heart? Are we abandoning ourselves to the triple concupiscence of the flesh, of the eyes, or the pride of life (cf 1Jn 2:16)? “… the world passeth away, and the concupiscence thereof: but he that doth the will of God, abideth for ever.” (1Jn 2:17)

We need to be aware of our fallen nature and of its wounds. Let us undertake, as every year, and better than last year, to use the right remedy and medicine for our weaknesses, evil inclinations and vices. In this way God’s grace will be able to bear fruit, that is, great merit which will be given to us in the true life, that of heavenly bliss!


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

 P. Arnold Trauner (paterarnold@hotmail.com), njemački i engleski

subota, 12. veljače 2022.

Sermon for Septuagesima, February 13th, 2022


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.


My dearly beloved in Our Lord,


Many times in the Gospel and in the Liturgy things are about TIME. On the first Sunday of Advent, St Paul says: “Brethren, knowing the time, that it is now the hour for us to rise from sleep.” (Rom 13:11) Today, as we resume purple vestments for three Sundays preceding Ash Wednesday, the Gospel is about those who are called to work in the Lord’s vineyard at different hours of the day.

In an Offertory which occurs several times during the year, and in the Nuptial Mass, the Church prays the Psalm verses: “In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust; I said, Thou art my God; my times are in Thy hands.” (Ps 30:15-16)

The servants are praised if they expect the return of their master, even if he comes late, during the second or the third vigil of the night (Lk 12:38). And in the parable of the five prudent and the five silly virgins, the latter are excluded from the marriage celebrations because they arrive late through their imprudent comportment (Mt 25:10).

TIME is something fascinating for the Christian philosopher. St Augustine has a long reflection on this topic in book 11 of his Confessions.

It is so fascinating and intriguing not only because for us it begins and it ends, with our birth and our earthly death, but also because its perception can vary enormously: a moment of joy or of intense suffering can seem like an eternity; or a long interval of time can seem very brief in hindsight.

TIME does not exist in God. His throne is high above time and space which are but His creatures. We call God’s timelessness eternity. The Angels have their own “time” which the Scholastics call “aevum”, something between time and eternity. Since the Angels are creatures, they do not participate in God’s eternity properly speaking; they have a beginning, though not in time. They are subject to causality, and that has a lot to do with the nature and properties of TIME.

This brings us back to the Gospel.

Those laborers who show themselves rebellious at the end of today’s parable, incarnate the idea of “time is money”. [We see nowadays how silly this principle is: Many people spend their entire time working, but they still cannot make a decent living by it. We won’t elaborate on this problem today.] All workers who have answered the call to work in the vineyard receiving a penny for the day, simply means that theessential reward, namely eternal beatitude in Heaven, is the same for all those who answer God’s call to be children of God, and who persevere in this work. “But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name… who are born… of God.” (Jn 1:12.13) The accidental reward, the degree of beatitude, is different in each Angel and in each human soul in Heaven. “One is the glory of the sun, another the glory of the moon, and another the glory of the stars. For star differeth from star in glory.” (1Cor 15:41)

“In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust; I said, Thou art my God; my times are in Thy hands.” This puts us right into the heart of today’s problems! In all areas, man has decided to replace God rather than to submit to his Creator, Redeemer and Judge humbly and with filial trust. Man thinks he can “create” his own reality. Even the most basic things are not beyond his pretense to be his own master and commander: think of “the metaverse”, NFTs, genderism, conceptionism, abortionism, divorce, just to name a few outstanding subjects. The incapacity or unwillingness to accept providential facts, like constraints of time and place, is but the poisoned cherry on the unsavory cake of “modern” life and thinking.

Like in all things, God entrusts the good use or administration of time to man. But while He oversees the whole, great picture, we are immersed in time and oversee very little indeed. Therefore our task consists mostly in following suit with what Divine Providence puts on our way. We find that very hard many times because we are so imbued with false or half-baked ideas like that of “freedom”.

The workers in today’s parable are free to choose – in a certain way: They accept the call of the master who goes out to hire workers, or they refuse it. The Gospel does not talk about those latter ones, but there certainly have been some who did not go with him, for whatever reason. Once they have given their consent, things follow their natural course. Maybe one or two among those called early, have walked out from the job, finding it too hard? They did not receive the reward agreed for the day’s work. Then all those who have persevered in the labor, receive their recompense. It is just, as the master’s steward explains: “Friend, I do thee no wrong; didst thou not agree with me for a penny?” It is equitable because justice is respected; and the master is free to accord more to those who have labored for a shorter while: “I will also give to this last even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful for me to do what I will? Is thy eye evil, because I am good?”

Our having followed God’s call to be His children was our free choice. Once we have made this choice, we are not morally free to revoke this choice without the direst consequences!

An unmarried person or a widower is free to contract a marriage. But as of the moment of the wedding he is not free to retract his consent. There is no other way out of marriage but death!

Our free choice is meritorious because God in his goodness has chosen to reward our otherwise rather negligible efforts. As good children we should be content and happy about whatever Our Father who is in Heaven chooses to give us. But often enough we behave like ungrateful and rotten brats who reject a gift and demand something else, or more.

Above all, each of those men had to answer the master’s call in his time, not in their time. We should always consider that time is not so much ours, but God’s. Then we will find it easier to accept how and when things happen: All in God’s own time!

St Paul beautifully comments on all this in the Epistle: “For I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea. And all in Moses were baptized, in the cloud, and in the sea: And did all eat the same spiritual food, And all drank the same spiritual drink; (and they drank of the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.)” His conclusion is terrible, but true still: “But with most of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the desert.” Only two of the original crowd who were called out of slavery in Egypt entered the Holy Land because they served and honored God at all times, Joshua and Caleb! Two out of over a million who died in the desert…

Let us stand by the Cross of Our Lord even if sometimes we find it scandalous or crazy (cf 1Cor 1:23).

Let us make our own the thoughts and sentiments of Holy Church who prays, in today’s Collect: We are justly afflicted for our sins – may we be mercifully delivered for the glory of God’s name.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

 P. Arnold Trauner (paterarnold@hotmail.com), njemački i engleski

srijeda, 9. veljače 2022.

Komičarka se više ne smije...


Daklem, komičarka na TV se ruši usred vica kad je govorila: “Cjepila sam se, dvostruko, plus pojačana doza; cjepljena protiv gripe i također herpesa, usput još uvijek imam period. Putovala sam, išla dvaput u Meksiko. Imala show, grlila poznanike. Nikad nisam oboljela od covida, i Isus me još više voli. Tako divno, tako divno…”

I pum!, ode nam djevojče.

Barem si nešto dobra učinila. Nismo mogli ni očekivat tako dobru antivax propagandu od ove.

Usput, stvarno mi je žao što si bila tako velika glupača.