Jedan čitatelj je konsultirao mišljenja Vlč. Traunera o pitanju cjepiva. Donosim ga dolje, na engleskom. Nemam vremena za prijevod, ali bitno se može automatski prevesti sa google prevoditelja.
Moj je stav još protivniji - mogu reći u potpunosti -, izgleda da Vlč. nije upoznat sa činjenicom da ovo cjepivo (i neka druga) potiču od linije abortiranih fetusa, što sam mu prenio. U svakom slučaju, mimo ovoga, savjet je Vlč. Arnolda protivan cjepljenju. Donosim ga dolje:
The issue is quite complex. But yes - all things well considered I believe it is very safe to say that it would be
extremely imprudent to accept a "covid vaccine".
- Vaccines as such as very much disputed; not by the greater public yet because the pharma industry is the party primarily interested (to gain money) and they use their money to lobby and to influence the media, the medics and research, to keep any negative facts away from the people;
- Every scientist and doctor who wants to know, knows that the covid-19 virus has not been "purified", ie. isolated (same is true for several preceding pretended "killer viruses"). Therefore all the "science" leading to quarantine, lockdown and destruction of social and economic life, is purely and simply a house of cards. The same is true for the "science" underlying possible anti-dotes, cures, tests or vaccines.
- Admitted that there is/was a covi-19 causing severe symptoms, it must be clear also that after over a year, that covi has mutated (and some doctors are saying so). So what could be the use now of vaccinating people against one virus while nature has moved on to harrass us with a different one, as it usually does? Does anyone still know what they are talking about with regards to that vaccine?
- Morally speaking, a vaccine must be regarded as indifferent (neither good nor evil) in itself. Receiving (admitting) it into your body is a different question since it can be regarded as an intrusion and a harming of the body. We have no right to hurt ourselves without a proportionate reason. In the light of the (non-)science surrounding sars-covid-2, such an intrusion seems totally unjustified, even if it only consists in a needle piercing your skin and flesh. The Church teaches up to and including Pope Pius XII, that a Catholic is under no obligation to accept any intrusive procedures since they need to be considered as extraordinary means to keep up bodily health and life. We only are under the obligation to use the ordinary means.
I think that the push to get as many people as possible vaccinated
for covid, will have the (unintended) effect of making people aware of
all the underlying issues regarding vaccines (some of them being
cultured on the tissues of aborted babies; up to
80 undeclared and harmful substances contained in vaccines, according
to some research; the fact that the very notion of "virus" is no more
than a scientific hypothesis disputed by many).
It is the same with regards to social and economic life which had already utterly failed before the crisis construed around covid-19 (certainly
there is no reason to call
it a "pandemic"), and this failure had to be exposed sooner or later.
Now this is happening in a very controlled manner which is just another
smoke screen hiding the really interesting issues. But there is no smoke
(except that in Hell) which holds on forever,
or which cannot be pierced with some luck and courage.
God is in charge of everything going on in His creation. He usually
acts through secondary causes, rather than interfering himself (through
miracles). (Of course one does not exclude the other.) Therefore it
seems clear to me that He is preparing the true
restoration, primarily of the Church founded by Our Lord (by giving her
a true Pope once again), through what must seem to us as murky and
chaotic. But we knew all the time that a change for the better
necessitated a profound purge of the human soul and mind.
So, in short: We have clear evidence that anything that is being
said and reported around sars-covid-2 is permeated with lies and
half-truths. We can and must assume the same with regards to its
proposed cure. Therefore it is extremely prudent - to
say the least - to step into line in order to accept any proposed
At the same time it is true that those who accept the vaccine, do
so on their own responsibility. As for now, every government is pushing
very hard for people to accept the vaccine, while clearly saying that
people will not be forced to accept it. The
pharma industry and the state will reject responsibility for
shortcomings or harm on each other, and the individuals will be the ones
suffering all the foreseeable damage (not excluding their intended
But still, since the matter is so obscure and it is just about
impossible to certainly establish the truth (we, individually...), it
remains a matter of prudence, and we are not to condemn those who fall
in line to get tested or to have the vaccine administered
to them voluntarily.
So my counsel is that of Our Lord: Have patience, be patience, let
things play out without panicking or rushing to actions while you have
no clear picture of all the implications they will entail! This is the
only prudent and safe way for a Catholic to act,
in my humble opinion.
Molim Vas da malo prokomentirate ovogodisnje vatikanske jaslice i ceremoniju postavljanja. Sta znaci onaj astronaut.
OdgovoriIzbriši"Vanzemaljci" su đavoli.
IzbrišiNe postoje bića van Zemlje. Sve priče o nekakvim susretima s "vanzemaljcima" su ustvari efekti đavolskih halucinacija.
Dokaz za to su mnogi slučajevi u kojima su viđenja i "susreti" sa vanzemaljcima prestajali kada bi osoba zazvala Isusa Krista. Ima jedan autor koji je istraživao o tome, i napravio na tisuće razgovora o sličnim svjedočanstvima.
Što dakle znači ovo na "jaslicama"? Pa, đavolski znak upliva u Vatikanu u postkoncilsko vrijeme, koje posebno danas postiže neviđene nivoe.
Pogledajte sve zadnje jaslice i navodne Božićne scene u Vatikanu. Sve su, mislim da se kod svih nešto dogodilo poput uvrede Boga. Te neki sodomac u obliku pastira, te ono magare koje je u prvom planu umjesto Isusa (mislim još prve godine Bergoglia), i sl.
Ako potražite slike jaslica zadnjih godina, vidjeti ćete ovo što spominjem.